This blog is dedicated to the Most Greatest Benefactor of humanity, Prophet Muhammad صلّى الله عليه وسلّم


"Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom They find mentioned In their own (scriptures),- In the Torah and the Gospel;- for He commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; He allows them As lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe In him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is They who will prosper." (The Holy Qur'an: 7: 157)

People's Prophet

"By the grace of Allah, you are gentle towards the people; if you had been stern and harsh-hearted, they would have dispersed from round about you" The noble Qur'an, A'al-Imran (3):159

Even with all of his concerns and obligations, Muhammad (s.a.a.w.) never became unmindful of his people. He had a special place in his heart for each one of them and he was known among them for his soft-spokenness, his generosity, his tolerance, and his friendliness.

He would joke with his companions, sit and talk with them, play with their children and sit them on his knee. He would respond to the call of the free man or the slave, or the young girl or the poor. He would visit the sick on the opposite end of the city and he would attend their funerals. He would accept the people's apologies and their excuses, and he was the most humble among them.

Abdullah ibn Al-Haritha narrated:
"I have never seen anyone who smiled more continuously than the Messenger of Allah (s.a.a.w.)" (Narrated by Al-Tirmathi)

Usamah ibn Zayd narrated:
"The daughter of the Prophet (s.a.a.w.) sent (a messenger) to the Prophet (s.a.a.w.) requesting him to come as her child was dying. However, the Prophet (s.a.a.w.) returned the messenger and told him to convey his greeting to her and say: "Whatever Allah takes is for Him and whatever He gives is for Him. Everything with Him has a limited fixed term (in this world) and so she should be patient and hope for Allah's reward." She again sent for him, swearing that he should come. The Prophet (s.a.a.w.) stood up, and so did Sa'id ibn Ubadah, Mu'ath ibn Jabal, Ubay ibn Ka'ab , Zayd ibn Thabit and some other men. [When he arrived,] the child was brought to Allah's Apostle (s.a.a.w.), his chest heaving. On that the eyes of the Prophet (s.a.a.w.) began shedding tears. Sa'd said, "O Allah's Apostle! What is this?" He replied, "It is mercy which Allah has lodged in the hearts of His slaves, and Allah is merciful only to those of His slaves who are merciful (to others)." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari)

Ibne Malik narrated that
"the Prophet (s.a.a.w.) used to mix with us (the children) to the extent that he would say to a younger brother of mine, 'O abu-Umayr! What did the Nughayr (a kind of bird) do?' " (Narrated by Al-Bukhari)

Abu Dawood narrated that the Messenger of Allah would say:
"Let none of you transmit to me [evil news] about my companions, for I like to meet with you with a pure heart"

Ibn Masood narrated that Muhammad (s.a.a.w.) said to a group he sent to teach and advise:

"Be lenient and do not make [this religion] difficult. Bring glad tidings and do not repel"

AbuMalik al-Ash'ari said:
"The Messenger of Allah (s.a.a.w.) said: 'Cleanliness is half of faith, and [saying] 'Praise be to God' fills the scale, and [saying] 'Glory be to God' and 'Praise be to God' fill up what is between the heavens and the earth, and prayer is a light, and charity is proof [of one's faith], and patience is a brightness, and the Qur'an is a proof for or against you. All men go out early in the morning and sell themselves, some setting themselves free and others destroying themselves.' " (Narrated by Muslim)

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Allah's Peace & Blessings Be Upon You



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Trying to sprinkle some drops from the oceanic teachings of the greatest man in human history, who is also the most revered, the most honored, the most loved, the most remembered, the most influential, the most praiseworthy, the supreme trail-blazer of humanity....the list is endless!

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Toofanoo Ka Kya Dar Humko
Uswa-e-Ahmed Apne Liye
Darya Bih Hai, Sahil Bih Hai
Naow Bih Hai, Patwar Bih Hai

We fear not any storm
For us is the Role Model of Ahmed
the Ocean and the Shore
the Ship and the Steering wheel!

"Say: If you do love Allah, Follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (3:31)

How Great is the Greatest?

How was - and is - he greater than everybody else? To know, please go to Labels, 'The Greatness of the Greatest'.


What the Messenger gives, take it. What he forbids, refrain from it!

O Allah! Make me live as long as living is good for me. And make me die as long as death is good for me. Aameen.

A Soul-stirring, earth-shaking proclamation! That which makes falsehood shiver in its shoes! That which sends shock waves to the oppressor's heart! A conscious proclamation that transforms ruffians into finest gems of highest quality! A proclamation that brings utmost satisfaction to the believer's heart! This concise declaration is the Manifesto of Islam, the Marrow of all teachings of our Role Model (Sal-lal-lahu-alaih-wa-sallam),who spoke words of surgical precision, whose simple yet splendid deeds brought about a spectacular revolution in the history of all times! MUQITH


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